The dentist is usually the first to know…
You may have heard recently in the news about a boy in Texas who could speak after his tongue tie was released. Did you know that his dentist was the one who diagnosed his tongue tie? This condition is otherwise known as ankyloglossia or altered frenum. It is a tight or poorly positioned band of tissue connected to the floor of the mouth and tongue.
As a dental practice that focuses on whole health for the whole family, we are in a unique position to identify the signs and symptoms of ankyloglossia:
- Breast feeding issues
- Clenching, grinding, sleep bruxism
- Reflux, heartburn, digestion issues.
- Sleep and breathing issues
- Speech and swallowing issues
- Tenderness in the floor of the mouth
- Tightness around the base of the skull and upper neck, shoulders, or hyoid
- Neck pain, headaches, tension
If you feel like you have any of these issues it is important to be screened at 12 Oaks Dental in Austin for a tongue tie. The most current way to categorize ankyloglossias can be seen in the picture below. A Grade 1 most likely does not need treatment. Grade 2 may or may not need treatment based on symptoms. What we see is that Grade 3 and Grade 4 functional ankyloglossias most likely need treatment to help restore people to optimal health. After a lifetime of some of these symptoms though it may be imperative to involve other disciplines like myofunctional therapy, otolaryngology or orthodontia. At 12 Oaks Dental we will do a thorough medical history review, and comprehensive exam to determine if you have a tongue tie that is impacting your health and quality of life.